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Rathdown School

Homework & Assessment

Our Junior School teachers generally issue homework from Monday to Thursday. Normally, there is no set homework at the weekend.

However, students in senior classes may sometimes be required to work independently on projects at weekends or revise certain material.

Aims of homework

  • To consolidate work being done at school
  • To keep parents in touch and involved in their children’s work and progress
  • To develop and encourage the habit of regular, independent study

Please see our Homework Policy for more details.

Continuous informal assessment is made by the teacher. Parent-teacher meetings take place once during the year.

School Reports

Three written reports are issued every year.

A progress report is issued at Christmas, a progress report in the Easter term and final report at the end of the academic year.

Drumcondra Reasoning Test

The Drumcondra Reasoning Test (DRT) is an aptitude test, developed in Ireland, for use in Irish schools.

It is a group-administered test of cognitive skills, divided into two sub-tests:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical Ability