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Rathdown School


Welcome to our Pre-School, where the Rathdown journey begins!

Rathdown Pre-School (KG1) aims to provide a happy, fun learning environment within the Aistear Framework, where each child is encouraged to achieve their full potential.

A very special atmosphere prevails in our purpose-built Pre-School building, with a full schedule of exciting activities planned in both classrooms each day from 8.45am to 12pm.

The children explore the four learning and development themes of Aistear: communicating, well being, exploring and thinking, identity and belonging through the weekly topics that we use.

Hot lunch is available and children can also avail of the Extended Day Programme, which opens daily between 8am and 6pm all year round, excluding bank and national holidays.

The Pre-School programme encourages individual and social development, resulting in a community of self-sufficient, curious and happy children who eagerly participate in all class and school activities. The children take part in assembly, sports day and all occasions throughout the school year.

The colourful and spacious classrooms include

  • interactive whiteboards
  • double paint easels
  • reading corners
  • a construction area
  • sand and water area 
  • lots of child-friendly materials for the students to enjoy

The first steps, though seemingly small, are often the biggest, as these most inquisitive of minds embark on their educational journey and we offer a warm and creative environment where children are encouraged to explore, question and discover.

Every child is unique and we want to give each of them every opportunity to grow and flourish in a safe and nurturing environment so that they become happy, self-confident and thoughtful children who respect each other and the wonderful natural space they are sharing.


Teacher evaluation, regular progress reports, parent-teacher meetings and Christmas and Summer reports will keep you informed of your child’s progress throughout the year.

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