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Rathdown School

Pastoral Care

How we care for your child.

Caring for your child's welfare while they are at school is of the utmost importance and we place great emphasis on keeping parents involved and informed.

The friendly family atmosphere quickly puts students at ease. Our staff know each child individually and recognise the contribution they make. We expect good behaviour and good manners. Students are respectful towards one another and towards their teachers. They understand the value of working co-operatively and are encouraged to develop leadership skills and to be sympathetic towards the needs of others. A sense of pride in personal achievement is encouraged. 

The Year Head plays a vital role in ensuring that students are happy and making good progress. Rathdown seeks to foster the social and emotional well-being of all students, taking into account the particular needs of both day and boarding students. Each student belongs to a year group and a form class, under the care of a Year Head and a Form Prefect.

The Care Team provides a pastoral support framework and includes:

  • The Senior School Principal
  • The Deputy Principal
  • The Nurse
  • The Career Guidance Counsellor
  • The Head of Boarding
  • The Special Educational Needs Coordinator

There are a number of adults that students can go to with any issue. These include Prefects, the School Nurse, the academic Year Head, subject teachers, or a learning support teacher, who are always on hand to listen, offer advice and encouragement.

We expect the students to try new things, to make mistakes and learn from them, to develop commitment, perseverance, teamwork and organisational skills.

We expect the students to try new things, to make mistakes and learn from them, to develop commitment, perseverance, teamwork and organisational skills. It is important that students feel happy and comfortable at school. Our aim is to create an open, happy, stimulating, mutually respectful, community environment where each student is able to discover her potential in a balanced integrated and liberal manner. Your child’s learning journey at Rathdown School will nurture their academic wellbeing, their intellectual enthusiasm and their social confidence, giving them an enjoyment of learning that will sustain them through higher education and beyond.

Beyond academic achievements, students are supported whilst developing their talents and skills so that they leave as confident and rounded individuals. Traditional personal values such as kindness, respect and consideration for others is expected, whilst developing a sense of responsibility is encouraged. There are opportunities for leadership and the development of personal and social skills, particularly in senior years. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility through the Ember Programme in 5th Year and Prefect roles in 6th Year. 6th Year students also mentor First Year students through a Buddy System. These skills are invaluable assets at university and beyond. We have high expectations of our students and aim to develop their confidence and self-belief.